SW7 Academy

train like a professional athlete

We bring unrivaled coaching and playing experience to create elite level programming exclusively through our app. Our mission is to build you into the best possible athlete. Fulfill your true potential with SW7 Academy.

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Strength & power

Strength and Power are both essential to the modern game of rugby. Our specifically designed programmes ensure that you absolutely maximise performance.

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We provide a huge variety of conditioning sessions. These include, running intervals, hill sprints, pitch work, circuits and bike sessions.

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Your Recovery is as important as your training. This is why we provide mobility and yoga classes at the touch of a button.

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Don't underestimate the importance of nutrition! This is why we provide you with a personally tailored meal plan with every membership.

2 men doing barbell squats
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Take a Look at the products we have to offer

We have a big range in offerings from online training programmes to our in person lifting club. Online or in person we bring PRO LEVEL training to the masses.

Train Online

Our online programmes are designed to give everyone access to elite level Strength and Conditioning programming wherever they are in the world. We created these programmes because we had a huge lack of Strength and Conditioning guidance growing up and wasted years with trial and error in our own training. We don’t want that to happen to anyone else.
Coaches looking at a laptop


This is our elite level 1-1 online training service. Members will have personal contact with head coach Chris Tombs, whether it be via whatssap, email or calls Chris will be there to help the athlete every step of the way. This is designed for people who either want that extra level of support and accountability to ensure they hit their goals.
Working out on squat rack


We work with clubs around the UK and internationally to really help drive rugby development. We aim to provide programming for those who could lend on the extensive experience of Sam, Chris and Josh on how to get fitter, stronger, faster and more powerful. 
team working out


Nutrition is a HUGE element of changing your body composition, either losing body fat and becoming leaner or gaining muscle mass. This is why all training programmes come with our personalised nutrition programme as standard. 
men talking looking at mobile phone

Lifting Club

The Lifting Club is our in person, face to face group coaching programme which is held at the University Of South Wales at their elite training facility. This is an amazing opportunity for anyone who wants to experience what it’s like training as part of a professional sports team.
man performing landmine romanian dead lift

Combine Days

Our Combine Days are where players and teams can come and get tested for everything Strength and Conditioning based. Strength, Speed and Power.
sam squatting and Chris watching and testing him

we build athletes.

If you want to be a more powerful, stronger and more explosive version of yourself then join the team.

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your plan

Take a look at our online membership.

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Workout & Meal Plan

  • 3-5 Weekly weight sessions depending on your training phase
  • Record and track your progress
  • Members-Only Facebook Group (Ask Sam and Josh anything you like)
  • Mobility and Yoga video sessions
  • Additional pitch conditioning sessions
  • Supplement discounts
  • Exclusive community group
  • Monthly Nutrition Plan: Based on your food preferences and number of meals/snacks you need to hit your personal calorie goals
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meet the coaches

Meet the people behind sw7 academy

Man standing in the gym

Sam Warburton

Key credentials
Sam is a former international rugby union player, who represented and captained Cardiff Rugby, Wales, and the British and Irish Lions on two tours remaining undefeated as a test series captain (2013 & 2017)
Man standing outside the gym against corrugated metal

Josh Davies

Key credentials
Josh founded SW7 Academy alongside Sam in 2019 with the aim of helping to develop as many athletes as possible.

Chris Tombs

Key credentials
Chris is highly experienced performance coach, with a combination of coaching and management skills, functioning effectively as a coach or performance director across a range of sports and continents over the last 28 years.

Ben Warburton

Key credentials
Ben is the physio here at SW7 Academy. He has over 12 years in a professional physio roles across various sports and also holds seminars showing taping techniques to other physio therapists.
2 men having a chat in the gym
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Here are some of our most asked questions

We hope these help with any questions that you may have. If these don't answer yours in particular then feel free to reach out on Instagram or via email, we are here to help.

3 friends posing for photo after gym