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Nutrition is a HUGE element of changing your body composition, either losing body fat and becoming leaner or gaining muscle mass. This is why all training programmes come with our personalised nutrition programme as standard. 
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Our Fully Personalised meal plan

Let us start by saying that if you want to change your body composition, as in gain muscle mass or lose body fat then your nutrition is going to play a HUGE role in that. Outside of eating for optimal performance, pre match fuel, pre and post training meals, recovery etc, the amount of calories you consume compared to what you burn will dictate if you lose fat or gain size. Even if you are doing the exact same programme you can get different results just based on your consumption.

It’s because of this that we now include all meals plans with our training programmes as standard. Hopefully we have stressed the importance of eating properly here and now we will explain how our nutrition programmes work and why you should be on board.

When you sign up as a new member we will get you to fill out an on boarding questionnaire. This will ask various things such as age, height, weight, activity level and goals. This will allow us to work out the correct calorie intake for you personally and adjust that to match your current goal (fat loss, muscle gain, maintain size). 

We will also ask if you have any specific dietary requirements, any foods that you dislike and even how many meals and snacks you would like to eat across the day. The thing with most meals plans is that they are just given to you and don’t take into account your likes/dislikes or even lifestyle. The best nutrition programme is the one that you can stick to most easily. This is exactly why we ask you how many meals you want to eat across the day because everyone is different and if we gave some people 3 meals and others 5 without knowing their preferences, it would make it tough to stick to and so they will drop off and become inconsistent. 

Once we have created your meal programme, completely specific to you, we will give you a weekly shopping list to go with that. That means you can go shopping and buy exactly what you need to fit your meals. If you happen too not like a meal we have given or want to change our a snack you can simply click the swap button and we will email you an alternative. If you say you don’t want a certain meal or particular food again we will note that down so you don’t get that again. 

Every 4 weeks you will complete an update questionnaire for us. This allows us to track your progress and make any adjustments that may be needed to keep you on track with your goals. 

As I mentioned, all training programmes come with a full, personalised nutrition programme as standard. 

Hit Join Now and get the results you want.

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a look at what some of our members say

We pride ourselves on giving not only world class programming but a support system that is second to none and and unbelievable community to help support everyone on their journey.

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Cannot recommend SW7 enough! The plans themselves speak for themselves with the results they share on social media alongside my own! I came back from a knee injury in rugby that put a serious mental block in the gym and of course playing. Since starting the programme my strength etc has increased significantly and I feel much more confident in terms of playing now. Not only that but the community itself is amazing! The guys on FB always help each other and Sam and Josh treat everyone as a friend rather than just a number on a business sheet!

Ryan Clark

Sydney, AUS

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Hands down the best program I’ve ever followed. The plan feels very personal and fits around rugby brilliantly. There’s a real sense of community and Josh and Sam engage brilliantly on the Facebook group. There’s always somebody there to answer any questions you have, whether it be another person doing the program or Josh or Sam themselves. Also great value for money!


Coventry, UK

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The programme is easy to follow, well explained, and I’ve seen tangible results in the first 6 weeks.You don’t have to spend hours planning sessions or wondering whether you’re doing the right thing. This has allowed me to train with consistency, confident that I just needed to stick to the plan.The support from Sam and Josh via the Facebook group has been great. Whenever I’ve had any questions on something training or diet related, I’ve found the answer in the group. Every question is met with enthusiasm and a fast response. I’d highly recommend signing up if you want a structured plan to follow that will deliver results. I initially thought it was expensive on top of a gym membership, but it’s been well worth the price!


Exeter, UK

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Sign up, sign up now! Quite simple. If you are a club rugby player or just someone looking to be a better version of yourself. Why are you reading this and not signed up yet?! The content, knowledge and SW7 community are top class. The value for money is quite simply ridiculous! Huge thanks to Josh, Sam and the whole SW7 team/community!

Richard Smith

Reading, UK

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You won’t be disappointed with SW7. Great programmes, really well thought out and written with everything laid out in an easy to follow app, great service and interaction with all the Josh, Sam and all the SW7 team who are always on hand to answer questions and offer advice. Brilliant FB community as well with the added bonus of numerous member discounts!

Laurence Garrett

Cardiff, UK

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Can’t recommend SW7 enough. You don’t have to be playing rugby or sport to join as the programming is good for all. From people who want to get that ultimate beach bod to aspiring Lions!! Josh, Sam and recently Chris have a wealth of knowledge and are always on hand to help with any issues from programming through to nutrition. The Facebook group is a bonus, always willing to help and no question is stupid!!

Carl Edwards

Bridgend, UK

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Easily the best fitness/training programme I've used. Always lacked consistency in the past but I've now trained 4 times a week for 7 months. App works seamlessly and provides full history so achievements are trackable and can see progression. Full pro level support provided for all aspects whether that is anything relating to programme, form, nutrition or adaptations due to injury etc. Wouldn't use any other.

Aled Roberts

Cardiff, Wales

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your plan

Take a look at our online membership.

select your plan

Workout & Meal Plan

  • 3-5 Weekly weight sessions depending on your training phase
  • Record and track your progress
  • Members-Only Facebook Group (Ask Sam and Josh anything you like)
  • Mobility and Yoga video sessions
  • Additional pitch conditioning sessions
  • Supplement discounts
  • Exclusive community group
  • Monthly Nutrition Plan: Based on your food preferences and number of meals/snacks you need to hit your personal calorie goals
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here are some of most asked questions

We hope these help with any questions that you may have. If these don't answer yours in particular then feel free to reach out on Instagram or via email, we are here to help.

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Take a look at our various programme offerings

At the Academy we have something to suit everyone. From Online Training Programmes, our in person Lifting Club, VIP coaching and even Combine Testing Days!

Train Online

Our online programmes are designed to give everyone access to elite level Strength and Conditioning programming wherever they are in the world. We created these programmes because we had a huge lack of Strength and Conditioning guidance growing up and wasted years with trial and error in our own training. We don’t want that to happen to anyone else.
Coaches looking at a laptop


This is our elite level 1-1 online training service. Members will have personal contact with head coach Chris Tombs, whether it be via whatssap, email or calls Chris will be there to help the athlete every step of the way. This is designed for people who either want that extra level of support and accountability to ensure they hit their goals.
Working out on squat rack


We work with clubs around the UK and internationally to really help drive rugby development. We aim to provide programming for those who could lend on the extensive experience of Sam, Chris and Josh on how to get fitter, stronger, faster and more powerful. 
team working out

Lifting Club

The Lifting Club is our in person, face to face group coaching programme which is held at the University Of South Wales at their elite training facility. This is an amazing opportunity for anyone who wants to experience what it’s like training as part of a professional sports team.
man performing landmine romanian dead lift

Combine Days

Our Combine Days are where players and teams can come and get tested for everything Strength and Conditioning based. Strength, Speed and Power.
sam squatting and Chris watching and testing him

We build athletes.

If you want to be a more powerful, stronger and more explosive version of yourself then join the team.

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