about us
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about us

SW7 Academy

SW7 Academy was founded because Sam and Josh realised that in the game of rugby, only Professional/International teams have access to elite level strength and conditioning coaching. We are changing that! We're bringing it to the masses!
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our story

why we started sw7 academy

We started SW7 Academy at the end of 2019 and our mission is to provide elite level programming for the masses. When Josh and Sam were having a chat one day they realised that there's no real strength and conditioning support given to anyone below a professional level. Everyone below pro/international level are left to their own devices, as we were at a younger age. This results in months if not years of trial and error trying to find what type of training really works.

We are changing this.

If you want to compete at the top, then you need to train like a pro. Most people don’t have access to this type of programming because all the top S and C coaches are in house working with professional clubs or international teams. Between the 3 coaches in the academy we have a combined experience of over 50 years and in addition to that one of them is a 2 times British and Irish Lions captain and the other a professional S and C coach who has been coaching elite teams for the past 20+ years.

We're deeply passionate about helping players develop and if you want to take your game to the next level then you couldn't be in a better place.

our mission
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our mission

SW7 academy development


Sept 2019 the creation of SW7 Academy.

Jan 2020 the first intake of members came on board.

March 2020 Covid hit and we had to adjust by providing home workouts, yoga and mobility classes for our members.

Nov 2021 Chris Tombs brought in as head coach. All programming updated.

June 2022 The Lifting Club was created bringing in person training back.


Sept 2019 the creation of SW7 Academy.

Jan 2020 the first intake of members came on board.

March 2020 Covid hit and we had to adjust by providing home workouts, yoga and mobility classes for our members.

Nov 2021 Chris Tombs brought in as head coach. All programming updated.

June 2022 The Lifting Club was created bringing in person training back.

meet the coaches
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meet the coaches

Meet the people behind sw7 academy

Man standing in the gym

Sam Warburton

Key credentials
Sam is a former international rugby union player, who represented and captained Cardiff Rugby, Wales, and the British and Irish Lions on two tours remaining undefeated as a test series captain (2013 & 2017)
Man standing outside the gym against corrugated metal

Josh Davies

Key credentials
Josh founded SW7 Academy alongside Sam in 2019 with the aim of helping to develop as many athletes as possible.

Chris Tombs

Key credentials
Chris is highly experienced performance coach, with a combination of coaching and management skills, functioning effectively as a coach or performance director across a range of sports and continents over the last 28 years.

Ben Warburton

Key credentials
Ben is the physio here at SW7 Academy. He has over 12 years in a professional physio roles across various sports and also holds seminars showing taping techniques to other physio therapists.

We build athletes.

If you want to be a more powerful, stronger and more explosive version of yourself then join the team.

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meet the coaches