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Here you will find a collection of articles all about strength training. How to get stronger, types of training, reps and set as well as training volumes.
barbell squats
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Being strong has become more and more important for rugby players as the game has developed. Strength training along side power has become a staple for all.

Some coaches will try to show you some niche 'best' exercises for getting strong etc. In reality strength can be gained in huge amounts by doing the same basic compound exercises over and over for months and even years on end. In fact this is pretty much to only way to get really strong. Be proficient in your lifts and look to make very small increases over time. 

Strength is the foundation to power. You have to be strong to be able to produce a lot of force. The ability to produce maximum power quickly can be the difference between winning or losing contact or winning the ball at the breakdown.

Here we are going to explain how to gain strength, the best methods, lifting technique, lifting percentages, rep ranges, sets, training volume and much much more!

We hope you read through the articles and have a lot of take aways from them. We want to help you be in the best possible position to become as strong as you can!

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strength training

Here you will find a collection of articles all about strength training. How to get stronger, types of training, reps and set as well as training volumes.

Christ Tshiunza in the gym holding weights
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How to Design a Strength Training Program for Your Sport

Designing the perfect strength training program for your sport. Learn how to tailor your workouts so you can excel in your sport, and discover how important it is to track progress to ensure great results.
Christ Tshiunza performing mobility for rugby training
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Maximising Your Strength Gains: The Importance of Proper Form and Technique

The importance of proper form and technique in strength training. Discover how focusing on proper form and technique can help you get the most out of your workouts and minimise your risk of injury, especially in high-impact sports like rugby.
Christ Tshiunza performing a deadlift in the gym for rugby workouts
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The Role of Strength Training in Injury Prevention for Athletes

The role of strength training in injury prevention for athletes. Discover how improving muscle balance, stability, core strength and functional movement can help drastically reduce the risk of injury and keep you performing at an optimal level.
sam warburton performing a squat in the gym for rugby fitness
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5 Essential Strength Training Exercises for Improved Athletic Performance

5 essential strength training exercises we would recommend for improved athletic performance. Learn how squats, deadlifts, bench press, pull-ups, and overhead press can help you become a stronger, more powerful athlete. Build those qualities and watch your performance increase!
guys handing person dumbbells
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How to Design an Upper Body Session

Your guide to constructing the perfect upper body session.
sam warburton running
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Fitness - How do I get fit for rugby?

Having basic fitness and being fit for rugby are two different things.
man standing in squat rack with barbell
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Strength & Power - How & why for rugby players?

It is without doubt that two players side by side, the same weight, speed, fitness & skill level, will be drastically different players if one possessed superior strength & power.
rest & recovery
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rest & recovery

the importance of recovery

Recovery is a huge part of the game. If you want to train and play for years to come its essential you take note of these articles.

sam waburton standing

Ice Baths - Friend or Foe?

Do ice baths actually aid recovery?
sam warburton in squat rack


The importance sleep has on you, your body and your recovery.
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nutrition is essential for progress

When it comes to changing your body composition, either gaining muscle or losing body fat, nutrition will be the most important aspect.

Bowl of vegan based food
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Plant Based Diets And The Role It Plays On Our Nutrition, Wellness & Health.

This article provides guidance and suggestions for those who follow or want to follow a plant-based diet alongside their training. If your plant-based or just looking to try something new, this article will provide useful information and knowledge to help excel your nutritional goals. Continue reading if you’re interested in naturally fuelling your body through the power of plants especially for veganuary!
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Sam’s Diet Plan

Since we have been running our Instagram page, one thing we have learnt is followers really enjoy finding out what we eat. I think there’s a lot more content on social media regarding ‘how to get strong’ or ‘build boulder shoulders’ but none of it will count for much unless you get your diet right.
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Caffeine - A good pre workout?

There are a lot of products out there that many of us have tried to give us that extra edge just before a gym session, or maybe a tough running session that you don’t feel too enthusiastic about!
salmon on a bed of noodles
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Macronutrients – What are they?

I'm sure you have all heard the term 'Macros' but what actually are they?
pork on a plate
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What is protein? What does it do? How much should you be eating?
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here are some of most asked questions

We hope these help with any questions that you may have. If these don't answer yours in particular then feel free to reach out on Instagram or via email, we are here to help.

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articles by sw7 academy

We provide programming and a community to help athletes develop but we also want to teach you as much as we can along the way.

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three men sat at the table talking with laptop


When it comes to changing your body composition, either gaining muscle or losing body fat, nutrition will be the most important aspect.
man stretching his groin and adductors

Rest & Recovery

Recovery is a huge part of the game. If you want to train and play for years to come its essential you take note of these articles.
man performing Bulgarian squat muscle


Everything you need to know about gaining muscle mass.
man throwing heavy ball overhead


Power is one of the most important physical aspects for any rugby player. The ability to produce force in a short space of time will win or lose collisions.
man pressing dumbbells with coach watching

Fat loss

Fat loss is probably the most misled topic in the fitness industry. Here we will lay out the fundamentals for you in black and white.
mad holding medicine ball


Conditioning isn't just getting flogged up and down the pitch running shuttles there's lots more to it. We will talk about the different methods to conditioning.

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