here are some of most asked questions
We hope these help with any questions that you may have. If these don't answer yours in particular then feel free to reach out on Instagram or via email, we are here to help.
What does the nutrition programme consist of?
First off if you want to change your body composition (gain muscle or lose body fat) then it’s essential that you know how many calories are going in. When you sign up you will fill out our on boarding questionnaire. From that we will have all the info we need to calculate your calorie intake for you and your goals. You can select how many meals you would like to eat across the day and how many snacks. You can also select any eating preferences and foods that you would like left out of your programme. We will then create you a personalised nutrition programme with meals that will fit your likes and also provide you with a shopping list so you know exactly what you need to buy to fit your programme. Every month you will fill out an update questionnaire for us and this then allows us to track your progress and alter your calories etc if needed.
Is there just weight lifting programmes?
As well as our comprehensive Strength and Conditioning programmes we also have sprint sessions, conditioning sessions both on pitch and off feet, home workouts with minimal kit if you’re on holiday or don’t have access to your gym for whatever reason. As well as those we have recovery sessions that consist of Yoga class which are run by one of the best in the game Alecs Donovan and Mobility class again by an industry leader Richard Hughes. The recovery classes are scheduled in some programme but they are available to all members to use any time and we recommend you do so for longevity and to avoid injury.