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Ben Warburton

Ben is SW7 Academy's in house physio.
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my story

Ben warburton

Graduated as a Physiotherapist from Cardiff University in 2010.

After graduating, Ben had a couple of part-time jobs simultaneously working for Cardiff City Football Academy and Dragons Rugby Academy. He then progressed to work full-time as a first team physiotherapist for Dragons Rugby, soon followed by a senior physiotherapist first team role at Cardiff Blues Rugby.

Whilst working for Cardiff Blues for five years, Ben had spells working with Wales U18’s and U20s rugby as well as some private clinical-based work in a physiotherapy practice. 

He then moved to the Welsh Rugby Union to become the lead physiotherapist for Wales 7’s Rugby for almost two years. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic where international travel was halted, Ben moved back the Cardiff Rugby (previously known as Cardiff Blues Rugby) where he is still currently working. 

Ben also has roles with a taping company named Sporttape where he teaches taping techniques as well as his current role as SW7 Physiotherapist. 

Ben enjoys a couple of hobbies - mostly weight training and playing the occasional round of golf (although we’ll keep his handicap quiet!)

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Meet the coaches

Meet the people behind sw7 academy

Sam Warburton

Key credentials
Sam is a former international rugby union player, who represented and captained Cardiff Rugby, Wales, and the British and Irish Lions on two tours remaining undefeated as a test series captain (2013 & 2017)

Josh Davies

Key credentials
Josh founded SW7 Academy alongside Sam in 2019 with the aim of helping to develop as many athletes as possible.

Chris Tombs

Key credentials
Chris is highly experienced performance coach, with a combination of coaching and management skills, functioning effectively as a coach or performance director across a range of sports and continents over the last 28 years.
meet the coaches
meet the coaches
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meet the coaches

Meet the people behind sw7 academy

Sam Warburton

Key credentials
Sam is a former international rugby union player, who represented and captained Cardiff Rugby, Wales, and the British and Irish Lions on two tours remaining undefeated as a test series captain (2013 & 2017)

Josh Davies

Key credentials
Josh founded SW7 Academy alongside Sam in 2019 with the aim of helping to develop as many athletes as possible.

Chris Tombs

Key credentials
Chris is highly experienced performance coach, with a combination of coaching and management skills, functioning effectively as a coach or performance director across a range of sports and continents over the last 28 years.